Monday, 2 September 2019

Why yellow colour always shown in JCB is used during excavation

You must have seen JCB's machine. They are used almost everywhere in the world. JCB is employed for the excavation work. And everyone knows that JCB is yellow, but do you know why JCB is yellow, why not any other color? Talking about the color of JCB, first we know some of the latest things about the machine too.

Made JCB a British company, with headquarters in the city of Staffordshire, England. Its plans are in four continents of the world. JCB is the first machine in the world to launch in 1945 without a name. For many days the maker of it had discussed his name, but with no good name, it was named after his inventor, Joseph Cyril Bumford.

You may be surprised to know that JCB was the first privately held private company to set up its own factory in India. Today, the largest export of JCB machines in the world is done only in India. In 1945, Joseph Cyril Bumford created the first machine, a tipping trailer, which at that time sold 45 pounds, or about 4000 rupees, to this day.


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The world's first and fastest tractor Fastrack JCB was built in 1991. The maximum speed of this tractor is 65 km / h. The tractor also received the Prince of Wales award. You may be surprised to know that in the year 1948 there were about six people working in the JCB company, but today there are around 11,000 employees worldwide working in the company.

Initially, the machine used to be white and red, but then it was yellow. The reason behind this is because of this color it is easily visible on the JCB excavation site. Day or night. So that people can easily see that the excavation is going on.
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