Education Loan Subsidy For Student In gujarat
Countless words are written daily about the importance of education. Education is the only valuableasset humans can achieve. It is a gift that none can take away. Education is a very vital tool that issed in the contemporary world to succeed. Education is important because it is used to mitigate
most of the challenges faced in life. The knowledge that is attained through education helps to opendoors for a lot of opportunities and better prospects in career growth. One who receives goodducation gets a secure future; with education one can find most competitive jobs.
In the last decade and a half, Gujarat has achieved a lot in industrial Sector. Many new industries arebeing set up in the state. In pursuance of this, in the last 15 years, demand for professional courses
The State Government received various proposals to provide financial support and to develop thea Creer of the bright and needy students in the higher education of the state. In view of the proposalseceived from the State Government, it was under the consideration of the government to provideq Euitable opportunities for the bright and needy students who attaining higher education.